Based on our earlier step, I believe you have made your business exist on the Internet. It is a very important initiative to move forward for the first step before you can succeed. Since you have planted in the Jungle, so we need to make sure we could do more and make it as a garden in the Jungle.
To start to transform your plant in a garden, you will need to make sure you have done the following before looking into any marketing campaign or such. It is just making sure that you have a strong fundamental before jumping into the next stage.
- Sitemap Generation - Sitemap in a simple term is the directory of your website. It allows the visitor or the search engine to understand the basic structure of your website and get it listed to the search engine. This is a very easy step. You just need to get yourself familiarize with sitemap format or you could take the ease and generate it via any free tools on the Internet. E.g. , etc. it is even better if your website could dynamically generate the sitemap daily to provide the latest information for your visitor.
- Sitemap Submission - Having a good sitemap is not the only thing, you will need to utilize it correctly. Once you have the good sitemap, you will need to submit it to the search engine. This is the steps most of the user overlooked and thus affect the visibility of their website in the Internet. You could submit your sitemap to some major search engine player such as Google ( or Bing ( You might need to create an account before you can do the submission.
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - This is a very broad topic and how could you optimize your website for search engine. A lot of IT Company does offer such service for a fee. We don't wish to go deep into it. We just wish to highlight some tips or guideline which can potentially help us to perform SEO.
- Meaningful URL - Please use meaningful filename like aboutus.php, contactus.php rather than some people using index1.htm, index2.htm which do not provide any indication to the search engine robot.
- Using correct html meta data - Please make sure you are using the correct title or unique title for each pages. It is even better if you have description defined for further understanding.
- View as search Engine Robot - To have some beautiful animation, sometimes we might be using a lot of scripting. Search engine might not be able to view the effect after all. Please make sure you run the test and see it result. You could use tool like
- And etc as we could not cover all at the moment. If you are interested to ask us for help, please do contact us directly at
- Link exchange - This involves third party interaction. Perhaps you need to get some business directory or business related website to add your website link by having link exchange with them. It is a very important step to establish your existence on the Internet. You could also add you link on forum, blog, or some social media website.
We hope that you have benefited from the above explanation. You could just do it yourself since it does not require any fee.
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Thank you and have a nice day.